
Hypertension is frequently called the "silent killer." Hypertension is a multifaceted issue. It is important to evaluate for secondary reasons for elevated blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure has significant long-term ramifications if left untreated with silent end organ damage. Lab testing will help identify these causes as well as monitor for side effects of blood pressure medications.

The following tests are included:


Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

Lipid Panel


T4 Test

Fasting recommended.

Additional information about each test is listed below:

Aldosterone, Plasma Renin Activity Ratio Test, is used to aid in diagnosing conditions related to irregular blood pressure or hypertension. Aldosterone helps regulate salt, potassium, and water balance in the body. Renin is an enzyme that stimulates the production of Aldosterone. Together Aldosterone and Renin help maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test that can be used as part of a workup for hypertension, although it doesn't directly diagnose high blood pressure; it provides information about the different components of your blood like red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, which can help identify potential risk factors that might contribute to hypertension development.

A comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) is a routine blood test that measures 14 substances in your blood to provide information about your metabolism, kidney and liver function, and other aspects of your health

A lipid panel, also known as a lipid profile, is a blood test that measures the amount of cholesterol and other fats in your blood. It can help identify abnormalities in your blood lipids, which can indicate a risk for heart disease, stroke, and other conditions.

A TSH blood test, which measures thyroid-stimulating hormone levels, can be used to indirectly assess potential links to blood pressure as research suggests a correlation between abnormally high TSH levels and elevated blood pressure, indicating that thyroid dysfunction might be a contributing factor to hypertension in some individuals.

A T4 test measures the level of the thyroid hormone T4 in your blood, which regulates your metabolism and affects your heart rate, body weight, and temperature. T4 and TSH are the best screening tools for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism which can both be causes for hypertension.